
Dec 18, 20193 min

Time for a Little Reflection....18.12.19

What has the year 2019 really been like for me?!? What can I say I've done & achieved? Have I done things I'm proud of... & maybe not so proud of? Looking back at this year, don't know about you, but it's honestly flown by! I've just had a spy at my old blogs this year as my mind is all over the place at the moment with the run up to Christmas....& I've thought....what a year it's been indeed!

I feel like I've done & achieved so many different things throughout the year, & many I just can't remember! Here's some little examples...

  • Spiritual Life Coach Qualification

  • Mindfulness Walks

  • Writing Blogs... which I love!

  • Started a new full time job working in a school

  • Started training to become a Spiritual Healer

& above all trying to keep myself sane on a daily basis... that in itself is a massive achievement!!

Looking back at all what I've done this year, I feel like I'm becoming a stronger even better version of myself than I was this time last year & what I mean by this is the way I treat myself, others & how I ultimately let people treat me. I've started to believe in myself a lot more, I believe my abilities to be able to communicate with the Spirit World are getting stronger. In a world where there is a lot of doubt & sceptics about the afterlife the thought of being able to receive a message from your loved ones in the Spirit World doesn't really sit well with some people. It's then quite easy to have that little doubt put in your mind, that your own special gift is something your making up, & what I'm feeling & hearing from the Spirit World is all made up in my mind!

What I never do is push my beliefs about the Spirit World on anyone, I would never randomly open up & start giving messages to people, as this is not the way I would like to work with spirit. The person has to be willing & be open to receive the message I would give them from spirit. I do receive some messages for people who I know, but these people are not really open to anything spiritual, I know this isn’t for everyone & I would never make anyone feel uncomfortable. I just have to listen to what spirit are telling me, then in my own little way I make sure I send a loving thought or message to the person I think they are talking about… minus the spirit message! The messages I have been able to pass onto people throughout the year have been amazing & I feel humbled that I'm able to help spirit by allowing them to connect with their own loved ones still here on Earth, to let them know they really are okay & are still very much around them.

Life is just so busy right now, but I do feel ready to open myself up more to spirit, as they do keep telling me to practice, practice, practice!! The only way I’m going to develop my Mediumship is to do just this! Every night I pray to God, Angels & my Spirit Guides to show me why I have been given these gifts, I don’t feel like I fully understand how to use my gifts to the best of my ability just yet, so for now I will just continue to keep listening to spirit & maybe one day I will get that lightbulb moment.. but for now I will keep believing in myself & not let any fear or negative comments affect my ability to work with the Spirit World.

So I'm ending 2019 on a massive tired high! Many various life lessons I've learnt throughout the year, I've dealt with sad passings of close family & friends to the Spirit World & much inner mental health work has been worked on ... these Christmas holidays can't come soon enough!! Time to finally turn my alarm clock off for 2 weeks, relax, spend quality time with my family & friends, sit & watch the birds in my garden (which really makes my soul happy!!) & generally recharge my batteries ready for an AMAZING 2020!!

Love Lyndsey x

#reflection #spiritual #spiritworld #angels #spiritguides #achievements
